Intersectionality and social work
Intersectionality and social work

intersectionality and social work

We can see unequal workplace outcomes on the basis of intersectionality in the gendered and racialized wage gap in Canada.

intersectionality and social work

Consequences of intersectional inequality in the workforce Inequality affects individuals differently on the basis of factors such as race, age, or gender. Evidence suggests that many organizational initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion tend to benefit white women in particular and not other under-represented groups. Intersectional inequality affects women and visible minorities differently, depending on their social, cultural, and occupational contexts. Intersectionality is a way of understanding how individuals are differently impacted by inequality on the basis of factors such as race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, citizenship, ability, and sexual orientation. Download the infographic ( in English/ en Français). Download this research brief ( in English/ en Français).

Intersectionality and social work